Thursday, December 07, 2006

2.11 A picture presents a state of things in logical space, the existence and non-existence of states of affairs.

Fairly straightforward, it seems, although is the non-existence of a state of affairs now a fact too? Or is it simply that some pictures present as facts the non-existence of various states of affairs?

Ostrow (p. 35) compares this with 1.13 and says that, “From the start, it would seem, the world is understood always against a larger – logical – backdrop of what is not the case.” He also says (pp. 36-37) that it is a mistake to see Wittgenstein (rightly) as rejecting Frege’s idea that a proposition is a kind of name only then to wonder how a picture represents a state of affairs. Facts should not be reified. They are uses of pictures. Ostrow (p. 38): “positive and negative fact stand on the same level, a contrast between two uses of a picture.”

He also (pp. 80-81) compares this remark with 2.201, 2.202, and 2.203. His conclusion is that a picture presents [vorstellt] existent and non-existent atomic facts, and represents [darstellt] a possibility of such facts, a choice made from among the facts that it could be used to depict.

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